Bergland is a fictional pictorial narrative about our longing for untouched destinations. 

While travel brochures locate the pristine in a distant landscape, Bergland shows the landscapes close to home, ravaged by industrial activity, in dubious, unknown beauty. 

Here, the cloud-covered peak is the toxic, seeping slag heap. An exuberant plant—in doubt—is an invasive species.
Bergland is a journey to the waste rock tops and ranges that may appear to us as romantic relics of the early industrial age, as evidence of a bygone era. In reality, they are secured, fenced off, and inaccessible, most likely indicating the presence of hazardous waste stored underground, waiting to cause new trouble for future generations as a toxic legacy. 

— A first selection of images from the series was on display as part of the group show Hi How Are You at Kommunale Galerie Berlin from 11/21/21 to 01/30/22.